Real Impact

Jobs4U2 is not about solving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander unemployment.

Jobs4U2 is about equipping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people with the skills to fulfill their employment and career ambitions

Our program

Since we started

Since our program was established in 2004, hundreds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people are excelling at school, graduating with flying colours from training institutions or universities, and embarking on successful careers.

88.7% of Ganbina participants complete Year 12 on average

.2 percent higher than the non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rate and 25.5 percent higher than the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander average rate of 63.2 percent


of non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 students complete Year 12 on average

Non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


of Ganbina participants complete Year 12 on average



of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students complete Year 12 on average

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people through Jobs4U2

Ganbina know when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people complete their education and start careers of their choice, the benefits extend beyond their communities to the entire country.

The enduring impact: Ganbina Social Return on Investment evaluation highlighted the uniqueness of Ganbina’s Agents of Change approach by: 

  • Increasing school engagement, attendance and completion
  • Commencing further education and training
  • Expanding view of post-school options
  • Gaining employment
  • Developing life skills
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Identifying role models
  • Increasing cultural knowledge and pride
  • Improving relationships with family
  • Gaining independence from family
  • Becoming a role model to others
  • Decreasing interactions with the justice system
  • Decreasing the likelihood of early pregnancy

Read more about the evaluation.

What I love the most about Ganbina is that it’s getting to the heart of systemic issues. To me that is where the change happens
Hayley Morris
Morris Family Foundation

Outcomes for young people - Education and Employment

"Neither of my parents finished high school and I am the first one to finish in my family. I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it without Ganbina’s support"
Ganbina participant
"I was mostly engaged in school but in Year 11 and Year 12 I went through a rough patch as mum was diagnosed with cancer and I had depression. Ganbina helped me get up to speed on schoolwork"
Ganbina participant
  • $3.3M
    Increased school attendance
  • $0.7M
    Increased school engagement
  • $0.7M
    Completed Education
    Primary and Secondary
  • $0.2M
    Commenced Further Education/Training
    TAFE and/or university
  • $1.4M
    Gained employment

Outcomes for young people - Relationships and Belonging

"My son achieved his VCE, now his sisters know they can achieve it too"
Parent of Ganbina participant
“Neither of my parents finished high school and I am the first one to finish in my family. I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it without Ganbina’s support.”
Ganbina Participant
  • $3.4M
    Avoided the justice system / incarceration
  • $0.3M
    Avoided early pregnancy
  • $4.2M
    Became a positive role model
    for peers, colleagues and family
  • $3.5M
    Improved relationships with family

Outcomes for parents and guardians

"Kids have more goals for the future which relieves stress and the financial support helps towards kids achieving these goals."
Parent of Ganbina participant
“He’s normally kicked out of school but likes [Ganbina] tutoring and really enjoys learning. He has behavioural issues so school sends him home a lot. With his tutoring he is able to keep up his grades, otherwise he wouldn’t normally be able to.”
Parent of Ganbina participant
  • $0.6M
    Reduced financial barriers
  • $1.3M
    Reduced stress
  • $3.9M
    Improved relationship with young person
  • $0.1M
    Increased engagement in young person's education

Outcomes for schools, employers and the government

“Because Ganbina works across the full spectrum of primary, secondary and tertiary education, and employment, they can be a constant in young Indigenous peoples’ lives.”
School Principal
“A couple of the Ganbina employees have been with us for a very long time, with very low turnover. Ganbina looks at placing kids in careers they want. It’s not just about giving out jobs. It’s about finding the right jobs. This approach is very different to other job seeker organisations.”
  • $0.3M
    Schools: Additional support to resolve students' issues
  • $0.1M
    Schools: Improved relationship with students
  • $0.3M
    Employers: Increased access to job-ready workers
  • $0.2M
    Employers: Increased ability to achieve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment goals
  • $1.2M
    Government: Increased tax revenue and savings in welfare payments
  • $0.1M
    Government: Reduced expenditure on employment services
  • $0.7M
    Government: Reallocation of resources due to reduction in criminal offences